Tag Archives: Cat Pony

A non-eMouse

A non-eMouse: I think it’s pretty obvious who the *real* Cat Pony is here. Matt: Yes, Cat Pony, it is obvious. Laurie: Yes, it is obvious that the Cat Pony is you, A non-eMouse.

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Cat Pony mane cut

Matt: I am going to go get my haircut. Laurie: Okay, cat pony! Matt: My hair hath been cut! Laurie: Your mane hath been cut and your paws trimmed, cat pony? Matt: I had my mane braided. Laurie: Oh sweet! … Continue reading

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Saddle up cat pony..

An exchange of ideas on October 20, 2010: Laurie: Cat pony!!!!!! Matt: No, you’re a cat pony, cat pony!!!!!! Laurie: Hey… who are you calling a cat pony… cat pony… Matt: I maybe a Cat Boat, but I am no … Continue reading

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I am so not a catpony… you are a catpony

If ever in my life I met a catpony… it would be you.. only a catpony would make a catpony blog.. so the real catpony… is YOU

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Cat Pony Prime

Laurie: But, I think you are also a Cat Pony… you have simply figured out the secrets of Cat Ponyism and so you are a leader of the Cat Pony.   You are the ultimate Cat Pony… Matt: Cat Pony Prime?  … Continue reading

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So it begins…

Matt: Cat Pony! Laurie: No, you’re a Cat Pony! Matt: Who you calling a Cat Pony, Cat Pony?

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